Christmas Concert 2019

Christmas Concert 2019

Well done to all students who yesterday participated in our first ever Christmas Concert! Some of the highlights are listed below:

Gieve’s cheerful performance of Spring from The Four Seasons was a timely reminder that some brighter weather is just around the corner! He bravely decided to play at an impressively brisk tempo, which injected some much needed joy and energy into the music. Very well played.

Poppy’s spirited rendition of Happy Day bounced along nicely, despite the fact that she was playing from memory after having left her music at home!

Charlie’s playing of Shoreline by Karen Marshall. Charlie set a record by participating in a concert after just two piano lessons! Charlie is a saxophonist who has studied music theory and aural skills with us for nearly a year. He decided just three weeks ago that he wanted to learn the piano, and he has made a very impressive start in performing Shoreline at the concert.

Visiting piano teacher Tim Rumsey’s performance of Debussy’s etude pour les arpèges composés gave all the students a good reason to practise their arpeggios! This was followed by his own arrangement/improvisations on Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

Once again, well done to all of the performers, to view the full album on Facebook click here.