
Scale Cards

Scale Cards

Today I am introducing a new teaching resource called Scale Cards. I have been using them for some time in lessons, in fact, the earliest version of them appeared in 2017. However, after testing and refining Scale Cards with some willing students, they are now going to be rolled out to everyone studying with me. Read on to discover what exactly is in store for my students.

How to Learn Arpeggios

How to Learn Arpeggios

Students first encounter arpeggios at Grade 2 and are required to learn them hands separately. There is one very important principle for learning a new arpeggio: you must know where you are going.

In some ways, arpeggios are easier to learn than scales. While it may take longer to learn each individual pattern due to the large intervals in arpeggios, there are actually far fewer patterns to learn. Each scale has its own unique shape, whereas many arpeggios have the same shape.

Aural Tests: Learn to be a Good Listener

Aural Tests: Learn to be a Good Listener

What is exactly is meant when we talk about good musicianship? While your mind may jump to an image of a virtuoso pianist in mid-concert, it is not the playing of the instrument that makes a good musician. Rather, the skills that we come to rely on begin at a very early stage, ideally from the very first lesson.

The reason why it is important to consider what skills make us good musicians, is that it is entirely possible to pass a Grade 1-3 aural test without any wider understanding of how these tests fit into the music-making process. The world of aural is much deeper and richer than is suggested by the tests alone, and students who are unable to appreciate this will inevitably struggle when progressing to higher grades.

Sight-Reading: Make every second count

Sight-Reading: Make every second count

From the moment the examiner places the sight-reading test in front on your music stand, you will have a grand total of 30 seconds to make sense of what is on the page. This may seem like an absurdly short amount of time, particularly for those sitting higher grades where candidates are presented with an entire page of music. If you know how to use those precious seconds then you will be able to set yourself up for success.