Resumption of Face-to-Face Teaching

Resumption of Face-to-Face Teaching


After five months of video lessons, it is with great pleasure that we can once again offer face-to-face piano lessons, subject to some new safety procedures. Read on to find out what has been put in place to safeguard students and teachers from Covid-19.

Risk Assessment

A risk assessment has been performed on the teaching area in order to identify which safety procedures are suitable and necessary to implement before welcoming students back. This involved identifying entry and exit points, routes through the premises, areas which may accumulate a high concentration of germs, considering instrument and equipment cleaning procedures and taking note of additional risks associated with certain musical activities (such as singing).

Below is a copy of the findings from the risk assessment, which was carried out based on the methods and principles of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE)’s COVID-19 risk assessment.

Lesson Procedures

As a result of he risk assessment, it has been decided to implement the following procedures:

  • The teacher and student must sanitise their hands before the lesson begins, using a product that has an alcohol content of at least 60%. The teacher will provide the sanitiser, though the student may use their own if it is suitable.

  • The teacher will clean the piano keyboard in between each lesson using a microfiber cloth and a soap-water solution.

  • Students must bring a face mask to their lesson to be worn, unless given permission to remove it by the teacher. The teacher will wear a face mask if requested to by the student.

  • Where possible, the teacher will avoid scheduling back-to-back lessons to allow for adequate cleaning time between lessons.

  • If either the student or the teacher believes that they have Covid-19 then they must cancel the lesson or request an online lesson instead.

To formalise these procedures, all students must sign an addendum to the Enrolment Agreement before resuming face-to-face lessons. A copy of the addendum is available to download below.

Continuation of Online Video Lessons

We look forward to welcoming back our many students who have been diligently and patiently having online lessons for the past five months. We hope that the procedures outlined above will make everyone feel safe and comfortable in our learning environment. Students who are not ready to return to face-to-face lessons may continue to have online lessons if they desire.