2021 Exam Board Switch

2021 Exam Board Switch


Following a comprehensive review of the new exam syllabuses coming into effect from 2021, the decision has been taken to switch exam boards from ABRSM to Trinity College London.

Students currently studying from the 2019-2020 ABRSM syllabus will still sit their exam through ABRSM. Students who will begin studying for an exam from 2021 and onwards will sit their exam through TCL.

There are several reasons why future exams will be sat through TCL, summarised below:

  • TCL has put forward a terrific selection of repertoire at all levels, which has been appropriately benchmarked.

  • Students are not restricted by repertoire lists and can create a bespoke examination programme.

  • Scales, arpeggios and technical exercises are introduced in an intuitive order.

  • Four different supporting tests are offered, with the aural test having been updated so as not to require students to sing.

Read a detailed comparison of ABRSM and TCL's 2021 piano syllabus here: ABRSM vs Trinity: Exam Board Syllabus Review 2021